Friday, October 28, 2005

Progress Report

We had a couple of appointments this week. The first one was for an ultrasound. It wasn't as in depth as the level two ultrasound, but did confirm that everything seems to be going well. The babies estimated weights are now 2 lb. 3 oz. and 2lb. 4 oz. And now I have confirmed that I have no idea which one is which. They were mostly staying to the left and the right sides in previous ultrasounds, but this time they are both lying transverse (across my belly).

We also had an appointment at the regular clinic. I am now measuring at 35 cm., which is about 35 weeks for a singleton pregnancy. I have started getting comments from people on whether I am ready to have those babies. I am definitely slowing down, but we have at least 9 weeks to go until I will be okay with having them. It's comforting to know they are gaining some weight now though.

We also finished up our childbirth class this week and an 'Expecting Multiples' class. The multiples class was really good. It was nice having other people in the same situation to help come up with the questions, plus having instructors there to give us real answers and not guesses about what to expect!