Friday, October 28, 2005

Progress Report

We had a couple of appointments this week. The first one was for an ultrasound. It wasn't as in depth as the level two ultrasound, but did confirm that everything seems to be going well. The babies estimated weights are now 2 lb. 3 oz. and 2lb. 4 oz. And now I have confirmed that I have no idea which one is which. They were mostly staying to the left and the right sides in previous ultrasounds, but this time they are both lying transverse (across my belly).

We also had an appointment at the regular clinic. I am now measuring at 35 cm., which is about 35 weeks for a singleton pregnancy. I have started getting comments from people on whether I am ready to have those babies. I am definitely slowing down, but we have at least 9 weeks to go until I will be okay with having them. It's comforting to know they are gaining some weight now though.

We also finished up our childbirth class this week and an 'Expecting Multiples' class. The multiples class was really good. It was nice having other people in the same situation to help come up with the questions, plus having instructors there to give us real answers and not guesses about what to expect!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Week 25 Photo

Well, the shirt has finally lost the battle and no longer covers the belly without encouragement! With 25 weeks under their belts, the twins have grown to almost 1.75 pounds each. Even inside the womb they are becoming more fun. Kicking and movement is much more pronounced and visual. When they are really active we sometimes will stop what we are doing and stare at all the activity -- we affectionately call this bellyvision. Bellyvision is available 24 hours a day; however the programming is not always that interesting to watch!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Baby Shower

Andy and I want to thank everyone for all of the wonderful gifts and thanks to Liz and Sheri who did such a great job with the baby shower. It was really fun to see everyone.

For those who couldn't make it, we had a couples shower on Saturday. I don't have any pictures yet, but I will probably post them when I get the copies. The highlights included:

  • Trying to name which guests each baby picture belonged to. Good job, Emily, on winning that one!
  • The 'Guess the Size of Stacy's Belly' game, which Tim won, thanks to his own calibrated waistline. I don't know about some of those guesses though. Some of those strings were awfully long - maybe they will work in a couple of months!
  • Guessing when the babies will be born and which one will arrive first. Better have those names picked of you may just be the winner! I am kind of hoping for Wayne's guess of December 30th :)
We got all sorts of great gifts - bouncy chairs, a baby monitor, an exersaucer, some cozy winter car seat covers, a changing pad, lots of cute clothes and more than I can possibly list. Let's just say I had a lot of laundry to do, which included an entire load of blue clothes and an entire load of pink clothes! Now I just have to figure out where to put everything.

I realized at the shower that most of you may have not been familiar with their new 'names'. Until their official names are stamped on their birth certificates, they are affectionately known as 'Righty' (the boy) and 'Bunny Kickerson' (the girl).

We also had another doctors appointment this past Thursday, where the doctor measured my belly at 32 weeks, so I guess I can see why people cut such long strings for that game! Now we will start seeing her more frequently and we have another ultrasound scheduled for Nov. 1 to make sure that everything is on track.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Week 23 Photo

Only 15 weeks left to go! From head to toe the babies should be approximately 12 inches long, and they should each weight around 1 1/2 lbs. Of course, they are mostly curled up, except when they are stretching out and kicking me.

I have been feeling a lot of kicks lately, which are far from painful or annoying at this point. In fact, I tend to get nervous if I don't feel anything from both of them for a while and then I try to wake them up. Andy has been able to feel them kicking several times and sometimes we can even see my belly move a little.
Of all the music we listen to on the radio they tend to like 80's hair bands the best -- that really gets them kicking! They still like to tease Andy though. Whenever he tries to feel them moving they always stop immediately!