Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Show must go on!

The hospital is not a place to go if you want to get some rest! We made a valiant effort to get some sleep, but if it wasn't the babies falling off the ever-present monitor, it was a nurse needing some lab work or Stacy's temperature. We managed about 5 hours of sleep before it was time to start the Pitocin again.

So it is now Sunday and most of us thought the babies would be here by now. If the twins are not getting the picture yet, they are about to know we mean business. After several hours and much of the same slow progress (about a cm dilation after 4-6 hours), we decide it was time to break the waters and really kick this party up a notch! And believe me, once this happened there was a change. Stacy went right into active labor and where there were light contractions before, now came the contractions people talk about when they describe labor. Stacy was no longer talking, the TV was turned off and the rest of us (me, our doula and the nurse) tried to make her as comfortable as possible.