Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Week 35 Photo

Well, we managed to avoid having the babies on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. We are definitely ready to have them though. All of the doctors say that they would be just fine if they were born now, but it would be better if we got into January. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. I still haven't felt any contractions, so I think the whole thing will just come as a complete surprise to us.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Progress Report

Two exciting bits of news to share. We had an ultrasound this week which revealed that both babies are head down, meaning that I shouldn't need to have a c-section. We also found out that the boy weighs approximately 5.5 pounds (measuring a little big) and the girl weighs about 5 pounds, which is right on target.

We also had a regular doctors appointment (weekly now), and apparently I am 2 cm dilated. This doesn't necessarily mean they will be here on Christmas day or anything, but it at least shows progress and is exciting. We decided that we should probably pack our stuff for the hospital! I guess really we should have done that a few weeks ago, but now we are feeling like it is more real.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Week 33 Photo

Week 33 has arrived very quickly. I am hoping the final weeks pass by just as fast! I have become unfortunate enough to develop a pregnancy rash called PUPPPS, and it is absolute torture. My entire belly (which is quite a large surface area) is covered in this rash along with my arms to a much lesser degree. No one seems to know exactly why some women get it, although it is more common when pregnant with twins, and the only way to get rid of it is to have the babies. I think we could have them in 2 weeks and they would be strong enough to do very well, so I am hoping they help me meet that goal, rather than stretching this out until the middle of January!

They seem to be moving less now, probably because there isn't much room for them to move around in there. We will have another ultrasound next week to see what positions they are in (which will affect whether or not I have a C-Section) and to see how big they are. On average a baby at 33 weeks weighs 4 pounds and is 17.2 inches long from head to toe.