Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Week 21 Photo

We are well over half way through the pregnancy, since the babies should be born one way or another by week 38. We had another appointment with our regular doctor on Friday, Sept. 9. Everything is going well. She didn't seem concerned by my incredible weight gain. My goal was to gain 20 pounds by 20 weeks, as directed by several books on twin pregnancy. I thought this was going to be impossible, but with my appetite, it ended up not being a problem! Hopefully the weight gain and appetite will taper off a little fairly soon. As many of you know, I don't exactly embrace exercise, so the less I have to do to get back into shape later, the better!

The other thing that we learned at our appointment was that my belly is measuring at the typical size for 27 weeks (we were only 19 1/2 weeks at the time). This is normal though...one of my books said that a twin pregnancy will usually measure 6-8 weeks larger than a singelton pregnancy. Our hope is that the twins will be born at nice, healthy weights, so I have accepted the fact that it means I will be gaining a lot of weight. I just can't imagine how huge my belly is going to get! Which, I suppose, leads into our week 21 pictures below.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Level 2 Ultrasound


Today was the big ultrasound day! We spent nearly 2 hours with a radiologist examining each twin from head to toe. She measured the length of primary bones (such as the humerus and femur), the circumference of the head and abdomen, and several internal organs. All of this measuring not only confirmed that they are healthy, but that their development is right in sync with our scheduled due date (Jan.17th). Their calculated weight came in at 11 oz. each.

We came home with several snapshots. Featured here are a couple profiles we thought turned out the best. Overall, the twins were very cooperative, and even decided to reveal their genders to us. Stacy and I are very excited to learn we will be parents of a boy and a girl! (And yes we have the pictures to prove it)

If you are interested in seeing more stills from the ultrasound you can view additional pictures using the links below. In these photos the boy is designated A (since he is the lower of the two in Stacy's belly) and the girl is B.

Interacting: This one here she is resting her head on his chest.

Profile | My Gender | Just to be sure | My Foot | Profile

Profile | My Foot | My Gender | Profile

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Week 19 Photo

Week 19 is a big one -- tomorrow we go in for our level 2 ultrasound! This will be a much more intensive ultrasound than the ones we have had in the past. In addition to measuring all of their parts and checking out their organs, we are hoping the Things will cooperate and fill us in on if they are boys, girls, or one of each!