Wednesday, May 31, 2006

May Gallery

May photos of Sydney and Tyler have been posted to Zoto:

Reminder: Password on the gallery is the same as the gallery month, all lowercase (ex. may)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lake Pickerel Summer Opener

Traveling 3 1/2 hours by car has turned out to be surprisingly more difficult than by plane. As it turns out, Sydney has grown a strong dislike for her car seat making the first hour and a half of the trip...challenging!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Our 4 Month Appointment

It's already been 4 months! Except for Sydney's bout with jaundice and both of them developing acid reflux (the week Stacy went back to work), they have been really healthy babies. They continue to grow like weeds, and seem to outgrow outfits daily.

Tyler seems to be growing even faster than Sydney, which isn't surprising when you see him. He is now 16lbs 10oz, while Sydney is a mere 13lb. Even with his 3+ lbs over Sydney, his numbers aren't off the charts. He is generally in the 75-90th percentile for weight, height and head size. Sydney on the other hand is in the 50th percentile for weight and head size and the 50-75th percentile for height.

They also received their first vaccination at this last visit. The shot itself went very well. Both were troopers -- it wasn't until we were home that they decided to shed a few tears. We have decided to stagger the shots a little to lessen the number of shots and any reaction potential. I think it will make it easier for all parties involved.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Leaving on a Jet Plane

We just got back from a long weekend in San Jose, CA visiting with Denise, Flo and Eli! Tyler and Sydney turned out to be very good little travelers and handled the 3hr 40min without causing too much of a scene. It was actually worse going through security with all our gear!

The California weather was beautiful -- high 80's and plenty of sunshine. A pleasant contrast to the 60's and rain showers we left behind.

When we last saw Eli in person he was about the same age as Tyler and Sydney -- so we were very excited to see how he has grown and to introduce him to his new cousins. In this photo, Tyler and Sydney proudly display their Thing 1 & Thing 2 outfits as they meet Eli for the first time.

We had a very nice visit over the next 5 days. We enjoyed Vietnamese waffles and iced coffee from a local Vietnamese bakery (a couple times). I'm not exactly sure what the special ingredient in the waffles was but it made them extra yummy.

Eli was great with Sydney and Tyler. Other than being generally curious, he made an effort to share all his toys with them and made them feel right at home.

The visit really went by very quickly -- we did manage to venture out to Santa Cruz on Sunday to see the coast before we left. It was a beautiful drive through some wooded country on Hwy 17 just south of San Jose. We took the kids to the beach and had them experience the ocean for the first time -- letting them wiggle their toes in the sand and the surf.

We had a great time and thank Denise, Flo and Eli for having us!