Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Week 31 Photo

They dropped! Some time over the last weekend the babies dropped noticeably. It doesn't really mean anything right now except that I have to get used to my belly actually touching my thighs when I sit - very disturbing! We also had a doctors appointment this week. I am measuring at 38 weeks and the babies are continuing to be very active. On average, babies at 31 weeks weigh about 3.5 pounds and measure 16 inches long from head to toe.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Surprise Baby Shower

<-- Me surprised!

So Thursday was a special day for me at the office. It was the day my co-workers threw me a surprise Baby Shower! It was 11AM and I was suppose to be having a monthly meeting with my boss...Now we had just had this meeting the week before, so I thought it was a little odd to be having it again so soon, but not out of the question. People are busy milling about as I walk to the other end of the floor, coincidentally this is where the conference room is located.

The wall is paper thin between Joe's office and the conference room. The amount of noise coming from the other side of the wall is loud enough to be distracting, but I'm still not putting two and two together. I'm sure it was only a few seconds -- but it felt like minutes as I was waiting for Joe to get off the phone. My mind was busy racing about some application issue and what I was going to try and fix next -- no where in my wildest dreams was I expecting the commotion in the adjacent room was a super secret baby shower for me!

Thanks to everyone on the team who contributed. A special thanks to Amy and Sharon who went shopping for all the gear -- We love the highchairs, and I continue to play with the Learning Toolbox. I'm sure the twins are going to love it too.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Week 29 Photo

Week 29 - yay! That much closer to delivery day!!! I will be cutting back to half days at work next week, and definitely looking forward to it. Hopefully Andy isn't expecting dinner to be waiting for him when he gets home!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Week 27 Photo

Only 8-11 weeks left to go! It's exciting to see the weeks finally hitting the single digits!

I found out on Monday that I passed my gestational diabetes test, so that is one less thing to worry about. I've already had enough shots during this pregnancy...I don't need to finish it up with even more!