Monday, August 29, 2005

The Crib...I mean Cribs

Here we have the Sienna cherry-walnut crib by Delta.

At least for Stacy and I this was not an impluse buy. I can't begin to tell you the time and research that went into finding this exact crib. (I will spare you the details).

However, I can tell you that I am happy with our choice, and happy that we have successfully made our first major addition to the baby room! Now we just need to clean out the clutter. The Things (1&2) thank Grandma Kathy for their new beds!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Week 17 Photo

Overall Stacy's pregnancy has been really good -- I'd even be willing to say above average (although Stacy may disagree), We are nearly to the half-way point which is mixture of excitement and anxiety. I find myself working out the scenarios of "how would we handle this situation if we had two babies with us?" much more often then before. But all the anxiety pales in comparison to our desire to get to know these babies and see them with our own eyes and not on a sonogram.

Now 17 weeks into our pregnancy, Stacy is beginning to feel some of the discomforts that occur as her belly continues to grow -- namely a sore back! Trips to the store are becoming more focused and we can usually only fit one or two in a night (which has really been helping control spontaneous spending).

But the last two weeks haven't been all bad. Stacy thinks she experienced her first baby movements! Unfortunately for me it happened while Stacy was at work -- the little rascals have been elusive ever since. Of course, we should be careful what we wish for, soon enough in will be non-stop somersaults and abdomen acrobatics. Stacy will be wishing they came with an off switch!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Happy Birthday Stacy!

So I heard from a co-worker of yours you turned 78 this year!!
Wow congratulations!!

You don't look a day over 25!

Love you birthday girl! (Andy, Moe and Maisy)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Week 15 Photo

This week the babies should each be about 4 1/2 inches long, and are growing bigger every day. They are able to move their limbs and hands, and babies are often seen to be sucking their thumbs at this point.

We didn't see them doing that in our last ultrasound, but they sure were moving around a lot. Within the next few weeks I should be able to feel them moving for the first time.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Twins in Action

We were able to capture the ultrasound from our week 14 appointment in video. It took us a while to figure out how to get the file small enough that it wouldn't lock up everyone's computers.

It is 4 minutes long, so it is still a little big (about 6 minutes to download with a high speed connection, but if you use the Firefox or Netscape browsers the video will start to play before the download is finished). Also, be warned that there is sound in case you are opening the file at work!

Disclaimer: Andy would like to make it clear that his question about the babies sexes was meant to be along the lines of 'Can the babies sexes be identified yet?'. Feel free to harass him anyways!