Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Week 9 Photo

The transformation is barely discernible, but the beginnings of a belly are starting to form beneath that white shirt. I'm sure I'll say this over and over again, but this process is truly amazing!

With my background in science, I really wanted to provide some empirical data, in the form of waist and belly measurements. However, Stacy vetoed the publishing of such numbers on a web site for everyone to see. Instead, you will just have to follow along with the pictures.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Second Ultrasound

We went in for another appointment on Wednesday, and were able to get another ultrasound. It's reassuring to see both heartbeats again, since we are still so early in the process.

We are in week 8 right now (out of 40 weeks), and our official due date is January 31, 2006. This, however, is the date that would be typical for a single pregnancy. With twins, we hope to have them sometime between 35-38 weeks, which puts us at the end of December to mid-January. Of course, Stacy, thinking like her accountant father, would like them to be born in late December for the tax advantages right away! (Assuming they are developed enough to be born safely).

At this appointment our nurse practitioner estimated that Stacy's uterus is the size that a typical single pregnancy uterus would be at 12 weeks. So, expect the bi-monthly photograph of Stacy to start expanding pretty quickly!

ultrasound 06/22/2005

What am I looking at?

Ultrasound pictures can be grainy and hard to make out when you're not right there in the room looking at the live picture.

So, if we had a camera inside Stacy's belly, this is what the embryos would look like. This photo was taken of a baby after 8-weeks of development.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Last Shot!

The day has finally arrived! We are finally able to retire the needles and alcohol swabs. After 82 shots [in total], I'm sure the one who welcomes this the most is Stacy (but I'm a close second).

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Week 7 Photo

Week 7 is still very early by most standards. Stacy has yet to start gaining weight, but never the less her body is changing to make room. Her jeans are starting to get tighter, but are still wearable.

Monday, June 13, 2005

First Ultrasound

Well if you haven't guessed it yet the two ultrasound images below give us the answer to the second big question we have been waiting to find out -- Did both embryos survive and will we have twins? It was a pretty intense morning waiting to see the doctor, but what the ultrasound revealed quickly set our minds at ease.

The images below show two fetuses (that's right -- Twins!). In the office we easily could see the heatbeat rapidly flashing on the screen. I have marked the image a little to help interpret what you are seeing, but essentially the fetus is no bigger then 10 mm and is still attached to a yolk sac. The sac is what provides the baby nutrition until the umbilical cord forms. (Click on the images to get a larger view)

ultrasound 06/13/2005

Friday, June 10, 2005

Morning Sickness

Week 6 is just coming to an end and Stacy is starting to feel some of the symptoms we've been reading about in all the books. Nausea is a little more common these days and fatigue starting to slow her down. Thank goodness this is supposed to last only through the first trimester! Note: this picture is not Stacy.