Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Pregnancy Test

After an incredibly long two weeks, Stacy went into the clinic for our pregnancy test. All results are in -- we are officially pregnant! Obviously this is very early -- earlier then most women even suspect being pregnant -- she is considered to be 4 weeks along at this point.

So you might be asking yourself, "But I thought there were two embryo's..." Well, that news is yet to come (that's right, more waiting). We'll keep you posted.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Transfer Day

After a great deal of anticipation, today will be the day we take our two lucky embryos and transfer them back for the 9 month transformation into a baby or babies. After the transfer, Stacy will be rewarded with two days of bed-rest where she will only be allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. I will be equally happy to wait on her all weekend. It's the least I can do considering I just stuck her 43 times with a needle over the last 26 days!

Our First Baby Picture!

What you are looking at here is two embryos that will be transferred back in to the uterus. The embryo on the left has divided 7 times while the one on the right has divided 8 times. The dark set of cells in the center of the picture naturally occur with the embryos and will help keep them happy by collecting any debris that they may produce at this early stage. We like to think of it as the garbageman, but I'm sure it has a much more technical name that I am not aware of. Not many people get this early of a look at their child(ren).

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Extraction Day Excitement

We have been administering a variety of medications for the last 13 days. In that time, Stacy's ovaries have been working overtime to produce as many eggs as possible. We never got a picture from any of our appointments, but I found this one that looks just like what we see on the ultrasound.

Each black object in this image is a follicle and has the potential of holding one microscopic egg. Our Doctor was able to extract 16 eggs from follicles like these growing on Stacy’s ovaries. Our eggs will be fertilized and watched for the next 3 days.